Monday, February 20, 2006

McDonald's Faces Lawsuits Over French Fries

From The Guardian (UK):
McDonald's faces at least three lawsuits claiming it misled the public after it acknowledged last week that milk and wheat ingredients are used to flavour its fries.

One claimant, Debra Moffatt, is seeking unspecified damages in a lawsuit filed in Chicago. Her lawyer, Thomas Pakenas, said his client has celiac disease, which causes gastrointestinal symptoms set off by eating gluten, a protein found in wheat.

Jack Daly, a McDonald's senior vice president, said in a statement the company had not yet reviewed the case and is testing its fries for gluten through a food allergy research programme.
Just another reason to stay away from McDonald's. The food is not healthy, and they have not disclosed the actual ingredients in their products.

As Yahoo reports, this is another in a long line of incidents where McDonald's has misled customers:
The company has felt the heat over its fries before. McDonald's paid $10 million in 2002 to settle a lawsuit by vegetarian groups after it was disclosed that its fries were being cooked in beef-flavored oil more than a decade after insisting that it was starting to use pure vegetable oil.

It paid another $8.5 million in February 2005 to settle a suit by a nonprofit advocacy group that accused the company of misleading consumers by announcing that it was changing its cooking oil, then delaying the switch.

McDonald's was also forced to admit recently that their fries have more artery-clogging, diabetes-inducing, cancer-causing trans fats than disclosed previosuly:
McDonald's french fries just got fatter — by nutritional measurement. The world's largest restaurant chain said Wednesday its fries contain a third more trans fats than it previously knew, citing results of a new testing method it began using in December.

That means the level of potentially artery-clogging trans fat in a portion of large fries is eight grams, up from six, with total fat increasing to 30 grams from 25.

Bottom line: Don't eat at McDonald's.

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