Friday, December 31, 2004

Well, Who Woulda Thunk?

In a shocking revelation, a new study by Boston Children's Hospital has jumped to the conclusion that eating fast food causes obesity and type-II diabetes.

From the study results: "Those who visited fast-food restaurants more than twice a week (87 people) gained on average an extra 4.5kg (9.9lbs) and had a two-fold greater increase in insulin resistance compared to those who went less than once a week."

Further proof that eating crap makes you unhealthy. A professor is quoted as saying, "Appropriate action would be to reduce portions to normal sizes and to sell burgers of lean meat, whole-grain bread or buns, fat-reduced mayonnaise, more vegetables, lower-fat fried potatoes and reduced-sugar soft drinks." Now, there's a novel idea. But if they did that, no one would eat it.

Once again, we choose to be overweight, or we choose to eat well and exercise. Everyone knows which foods are healthy and which aren't. You can't blame McDonald's for making you eat that stuff -- you walked in the door, placed your order, paid the bill, and filled your body with poison.

[Click the header for the news story.]

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