Monday, January 24, 2005

As If Men Need Another Reason to Lose Weight

A new study in the journal Cancer suggests that being overweight can hide possible prostate problems in men. As body mass index (BMI) increased, PSA (prostate specific antigen) decreased. Lower PSA levels generally mean low risk for prostate cancer, but the findings in this research suggest a false reading.

From the WebMD article:

"Prostate cancer is the most common type of cancer found in U.S. men apart from skin cancer, says the American Cancer Society (ACS). In 2005, there will be about 232,000 new cases of prostate cancer and some 30,350 prostate cancer deaths in America, predicts the ACS."

The researchers don't offer an explanation as to why the obese men showed lower PSA levels, independent of prostate status, but I have an idea as to why these findings occurred.

Fat cells generate estrogen -- the more fat, the more estrogen a man will produce, which accounts for the man-boobs many obese men acquire. Higher estrogen levels may somehow interfere with how the body regulates other hormone levels, as well as possibly interfering with the immune system. This is only a guess.

Any way you look at it, being overweight is going to kill you. Whether it's hiding possible prostate cancer, or heart disease, or diabetes, or the ever-growing list of cancers associated with obesity (another estrogen connection), there are too many health risks not to commit to losing the weight. It may make the difference in seeing your children and grandchildren grow up.

[Click the header to read the WebMD article.]

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