Monday, January 10, 2005

Cortislim Is a Scam

From T-Nation (the text is as it appears on their site):

Supplement Scam of the Year: Cortisol Reducing Pills

You've seen the ads: "It's not your fault that you're overweight." No, it's stress, not the fact that you eat too much and don't exercise. Yeah, right. We smelled a rat the first time we saw these blatantly deceptive ads, but as always, it took everyone else a while to catch up.

The makers of Cortislim, the most popular supplement in this category, were finally sued by the FTC for "deceptive efficiency claims." A class action lawsuit has also been filed against the company. Since the FTC suit, the makers of Cortislim have changed their ads a little and are now using the popular copout term "lifestyle," now saying that exercise and diet might just play a role in your [weight issues]. No kidding.

But this seems to be the standard operating procedure for sleazy companies like this: run deceptive ads, make millions, get sued, still make millions, come out with a new batch of magic pills once the public catches onto the scam, and repeat. Not only do supplements like Cortislim take advantage of the general public, they also make legitimate supplement makers look bad and cause governmental crackdown on all supplements, even safe and effective ones.

And by the way, T-Nation researchers have been looking into Cortislim and think that at least one of the ingredients (are you ready for this?) increases the production of cortisol! If that turns out to be the case, we'll do a Consumer Reports article on it.

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